slapping, kicking, shoving, choking, pinching, forced feeding, pulling hair, punching, throwing things, burning, beating, use of weapons (gun, knives, or any object), physical restraint - pinning against wall, floor bed. Running at you with the car.

demeaning jokes, unwanted touching, excessive jealousy, comparison to others, inflicting pain during sex, withholding sex for punishment, treating someone as a sex object, name-calling, any forced sexual activity, sexual accusations, flaunted stories of extra-marital affairs, unwanted exposure to pornography, pressuring for sex after abuse.

demonstrating anger, smashing things, abusing pets, witnessing abuse, stomping out of room or house, inducing fear through looks, actions, gestures. Destroying victims' property, displaying weapons, sudden moods swings, pounding fist through wall or on table.

angry outbursts, subtle brainwashing, accusing, saying abuse didn't happen, denying anger, attacking attitudes, beliefs, name calling, blaming, making light of abuse, not taking victim's concerns seriously, telling victim they caused abusive behaviours, belittling efforts of victim to improve themselves.

putting another down, playing mind games, making another feel guilty, putdowns, removal of decision-making power, no privacy tolerated, driving in a frightening way, forcing another to do degrading things, ignoring, discounting another's activities, making another feel bad about themselves, making another feel as if they're crazy, public or private humiliation, scolding, shouting, disrupting routines, forcing someont to "report to them", infantalization, denying basic rights.

limited outside involvement, moving residences, forcing someone to account for their time, making it difficult for someone to get a job, withholding affection for punishment, attempting to turn against their friends/family, forcing victim to avoid people/friends out of embarrassment, criticisms, humiliation in front of them. Control of communication with others (i.e. listening in on phone calls, opening & censoring mail, reading private e-mail), using jealousy to justify isolation, being kept in the home, monitoring where someone goes, restricting use of the car, preventing someone from getting medical care.

withholding funds, theft of money, fraud, forcing someone to ask for basic necessities, preventing another from getting or keeping a job, not letting someone know of or have access to family/personal income, rationing money, theft of property, asking for receipts even for small purchases, making someone account for all money spent.

making and/or carrying out threats, threatening suicide, threatening to report someone to welfare, threatening loved ones, threatening to kidnap children, legal harassment, threatening to find another partner, making another drop charges against perpetrator, threatening to leave, threatening homicide, making another do illegal things, threatening to harm property or pets, threatening deportation, forcing someone to "report" to them, threatening to come after partner if they leave, threatening to use information abuser may have about someone's past life against them, threatening to remove financial support if partner won't have sex, terrorizing (i.e.driving recklessly, tying noose around someone's neck, playing with a gun or knife in victim's presence.)

(when not the norm or after abusive behaviours):
compliments, hugs, gifts, money, flattery, apologies, taking out to dinner.

food preparation - choice of purchases, time served, temperature
household duties - small details (i.e. amount of bath water used, wrong egg scrambled).

making her feel guilty about the children, using visitation to harass partner, using the children to relay messages, threatening to take the children away.

treating someone like a servant, acting like the "master of the castle", making all the "big" decisions, being the one to define everyone else's roles.

silent treatment, ignoring, forcing someone to say what abuser wants to hear, threatening another's concern as unimportant or a nuisance or being angered by them. Not listening, conditional affection.

denial of situation, lying to someone's friends, using Jekyll/Hyde personality, teaching someone a "lesson", saying things like "You've never had it so good" and "I have made you what you are." Tell someone they're crazy, finding someone at fault for everything, telling small lies about unimportant things, saying one thing and expecting something else.

deprivation of sleep, food, money. Demanding too much sex, asking "Why are you tired?" (under these circumstances). Not being allowed to be sick or have special needs, enforcing unrealistic expectations, waking someone up to fight.

inadequate hygiene, withholding medical services, withholding or inadequate provision of physical requirements (i.e. food, housing, medicine, clothing, physical aids). Inadequate safety precautions taken.

As you will see after reading my pages, my ex-husband fits nearly all of the above categories. In defense of his abuse, as the only way I knew how to survive his abuse, I unfortunately took upon a few of the categories myself. I am totally ashamed, believe me. But those 'categories' were not present in my character prior to being abused by 'the man who loved me', nor have they been present in my character since I threw him out.The abuse started with my husband storming out of here after a situation he created to give him 'reason to leave' then he would call me to tell me he was never coming back; he would leave 'inter-system' messages on our voice-mail, also, saying he was never coming back. (Had I only known then what I know now!) He threatened suicide; left notes for me, his Mother, and his daughter. They are all on file with our local hospital, on the Psych ward where he spent the weekend......twice.....once after the first suicide attempt (when I was pregnant the first time) and once after the second suicide attemt (when I was pregnant the second time). His displays of abuse were endless, and only intensified as the relationship went on. I had all the trust & faith for this man that any man could ever ask for....until the abuse started...after he was finished "telling me what I wanted to hear"...slowly I lost all of that trust and faith. At different times I told my ex that he was to blame for these losses; he just screamed at me, fists clenched, stomping around like he always did, then his fists would
'unclench' and his hands would repeatedly, quickly, open and close, open and he, once again, failed to assume responsibility for his actions.

I thank God every day of my life, for everything that my daughter and I have. My prayer contains thanks, huge thanks, that this monster is out of our lives.

"women should not define themselves through men"

An Abused Woman's Story
You Are Not Alone
Master Of Abuse
Mind Games
Moving On
Men Are Cat Toys
Corrupt Justice
Abusive Male Profile
Teen Abuse
Rights of Assaulted Women
Hi Honey, I'm Homo
Your Rights
Contact Me
Categories of Abuse

Coercive Behaviours