Are Not Alone... Abuse happens
everywhere, regardless of wealth, influence, color, creed. The statistics
are scary; it's just amazing the number of men who abuse their wives and
show no remorse, nor do they take any responsibility for their actions.
Again, some of my story requires a strong stomach, so be warned. You may laugh, you may cry, you may curse; but most of all, you must realize that are not alone. Imagine a husband who attempts suicide both times his wife is pregnant? Needless to say the stress causes a miscarriage both times, then the wife is told to 'hurry up and get over it'; she is not allowed time to grieve; she has no right to her own feelings. His wants and needs must always come ahead of hers, and his unborn children, to the point where he deliberately causes their deaths. Imagine a husband who, only four days after his wife has a head on collision which causes her double whiplash, head injuries, and the loss of her vehicle, leaves work without calling home & drives miles out of town with open liquor in the car, & when is pulled over by the police, has the officer call home & ask for his ex-wife. Then, after they get his wife (and step-daughter) out of bed & even though she tells them to keep him (they tell her they don't want him) she has to drive, in her rental vehicle, hours to pick up this degenerate, only to be told that he did it because he was 'testing her love'. Oh, the fine was $210.; the impound charge was $90.; plus the cost of gas to drive there & back to pick him up, bring him home, then travel back again the next day to retrieve his car from the pound. All the wife's money because he has none; he works straight commission with no intent to better himself (Economic Abuse was a BIG factor in our marriage; he failed to provide the necessities of life). The only time this guy made any money was in the beginning of the relationship; part of his "con job" to a single mother. Well this single mother didn't want him for his money but let's be realistic also. The 'abundant' paycheques soon began to dry up when his mission was accomplished. HE: -limits his vocabulary to six words:"I don't know" & "I don't remember" -acts like he can never have anything by throwing everything he owns in the garbage -calls his wife everything but a white woman at least six times a week -looks her straight in the eye & tells her he loves her, meanwhile he has a preference for "boys on the side" and better yet doesn't bother to use a condom; absolutely no regard for his wife's health -goes ballistic on his wife when she catches him in another one of his numerous lies -tells his wife she is responsible for everything that goes wrong in his life Habits better off performed behind a closed door (no respect, again): -picks his nose & eats it -picks his ears & eats it -bites his toenails, doesn't bother to brush his teeth, then comes to bed & wants to stick his tongue halfway down his wife's throat -burps after eating to the extent he sounds like he's going to vomit then wonders why no one else finds it amusing -farts his butt off when meeting brother/sister-in-law for the first time -farts so rancid in the car wife is nearly sick; laughs his head off; wife tells him he has no manners; he then puts the pedal to the floor, swerves all over the road, pulls over, slams on brakes, gets out of car & curses wife; when she drives away he chases car, still cursing; (once after 'chasing the car', when he finally caught up to it, he pulled the passenger window out trying to get at the wife; later claimed it as vandalism on his insurance) -doesn't use a facecloth in the shower or bath, then when he wipes himself he gets feces all over the towel, hangs the towel for everyone to see when they enter the bathroom. "the past is history, the future is mystery, today is the present~ that's why it's a gift." | |