Angel Tears...


The prevalence of male violence against women needs to be acknowledged. Abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, psychological and economic. Any form of abuse can be devastating to a woman and can serve to erode her self-esteem and self-confidence. Abuse affects women of all cultures, ages, educational levels, socioeconomic backgrounds and sexual orientation.

It has been apparent for centuries that, when women find adversity in their lives, they turn to the wisdom and support of other women. Together, the collective circles of women have created profound change in both the internal world of ourselves and the external world of our communities.

Being a victim of domestic violence myself, I thought that if I shared my story with women, I may be able to help them; encourage them to understand that they are not alone, they are not responsible for their partner's behaviour, and violence is never okay or justifiable.

My story is true, verbally explicit at times; emotional; somewhat shocking; very detailed. I am just your average citizen; a self-supporting mother of one who did not ask to be abused. My ex-husband possesses some pretty bizarre behaviour to say the least. **For a very disturbing true account of this mans behaviour see my 'Master of Abuse' page**

I was not responsible for the emotional, mental, and psychological cruelty that my ex-husband subjected me to on a daily basis. Also, I did not deserve to be physically assaulted.

Most of all, I did not deserve to have our local police force turn their back on me because the responding officer to my 911 call is a friend of my assailant, who walks free. The only law of "to serve & protect" that applied here was the one between that officer and my attacker. Both of these men are cowards and neither one of them have anything to be proud of.

The women in my group tell me similar horror stories of how their abusive partner's have
'walked away', or are getting away with bending the rules of the court re child support, spousal support, supervised visitation. These guys are using the children to get to the wife; the children are crying, saying they don't want to go to Daddy's house but the court says if Mommy doesn't send them, Mommy is in violation of the court order, yet Daddy is consistently allowed to violate his part of the order. Some women have lawyers who are obviously 'a man's lawyer' as they are bilking the women for huge dollars, that they basically don't even have, and are showing no accomplishment in favor of the women; the men are walking around not paying support and not abiding by 'the rules.' Houses are being sold out from under the women's feet, the women & children have nowhere to go because the rents in this city are so high, the men are working, have new homes they've moved into (usually with another woman) and show no concern for the fact that their children are losing the roof over their heads. It's sickening. I don't know if it's this hick-hillbilly-GM town or if it's the age old myth that "it's a man's world." Guess what, it's no longer a myth; it's a fact, and we have the law to thank for that.

No man is worth this!!! 

Any man who makes you cry is NOT worth your tears.


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